DC Health Link – A Marketplace For Individuals and Small Businesses


DC Health Link provides individuals and small businesses affordable health insurance plans in the District of Columbia. BBG’s licensed brokers can work with you to understand all available coverage.

Hackers on a dark web forum have been selling data about customers of DC’s health exchange, including members of Congress and their staffs.

BBG Understands the Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act, popularly known by its acronym Obamacare, is a landmark health reform law designed to expand coverage, hold insurance companies more accountable for rates and pricing decisions, lower costs, and provide people with more choices of plans. It features numerous consumer protections and responsibilities that impact individuals, families, businesses, insurers, tax-exempt organizations, and government entities.

DC Health Link, its local version of the Affordable Care Act online health insurance marketplace, was created by the District to assist residents and small business owners in finding suitable coverage at an affordable cost. Based on technology developed through HBX – a partnership between DC and private sector experts that successfully launched the nation’s inaugural state-based exchange on time with far fewer bugs than anticipated – DC Health Link was designed for use both by residents and small business owners in finding suitable health care coverage at an affordable rate.

Along with providing individuals and families with comprehensive health insurance options, the system also features innovative tools designed to make understanding your choices, comparing benefits and prices, and enrolling in the right plan easier for people. Its innovative user interface won a Clear Choices Award and has significantly reduced uninsured rates since opening for business.

DC Health Link is the sole privately run exchange offering health insurance options to Washington, D.C. residents. Its plans comply with both ACA requirements and District-specific specifications, such as no lifetime benefit limits, outpatient mental health copays as low as $5, and coverage for clinical preventive services without cost sharing.

BBG boasts a team of licensed brokers who can offer comprehensive assistance to small businesses interested in the DC Health Link system. They can assist a company in understanding all available insurance options and choosing an optimal plan that fulfills legal and budgetary considerations.

BBG can assist businesses in creating customized plans to maximize employer contributions to DC Health Link, thus helping avoid penalties that may be assessed depending on whether their employees receive quality, affordable health coverage.

BBG Provides a High-Level Overview of the DC Health Link System

DC Health Link, built and run by the District of Columbia Health Benefit Exchange Authority (HBX), serves the entire District.

Mila Kofman of HBX Executive Director was present for this week’s hearing by the House Oversight Committee Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, IT, and Government Innovation to answer questions regarding the DC Health Link system’s data breach, which occurred March 6 and was caused by an improperly configured server.

As a result of an outage in DC Health Link’s system, its website is temporarily down for most users. People trying to use it are being directed towards calling a hotline instead. We anticipate it being back online by later this afternoon.

Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), individuals and small businesses in DC must register for health coverage through DC Health Link, its local marketplace. Individuals can compare coverage options and prices of standardized and nonstandardized plans while finding assistance and answering their questions through this site.

HBX has also allied with eHealth, an independent company that operates an online marketplace for individual and small business markets across most states. In these states, eHealth works with state-run health insurance exchanges to offer qualified health plans that qualify for federal subsidies.

BBG is an appointed broker through DC Health Link and specializes in providing employers with quality, cost-effective employee benefits packages. We can supply premium summaries of all coverage options available within their marketplace and work directly with employees to find plans that best suit them. This service has proved extremely valuable to businesses, ranging from fast food restaurants to Members of Congress and their staffs. Get in touch with us now to discover all we offer you!

BBG Provides Extensive Support to an Employer Looking into the Insurance Market

BBG is proud to be certified and appointed through DC Health Link’s health insurance exchange to assist businesses in navigating its system with ease. BBG will take the time to fully comprehend your company’s requirements before outlining all available plans that meet them while staying competitively priced within your budget.

District of Columbia stands apart from many states by not offering an off-exchange market for individuals and small businesses seeking individual or group coverage. Employers in DC must use DC Health Link to gain access to health coverage for their employees; they must log in, update their information, determine plan offerings and contributions based on employee eligibility factors, and then determine plan offerings and gifts accordingly.

At DC Health Link, you can compare all plan options on the exchange and determine whether you qualify for any federal tax credits to offset costs. In addition, they provide an innovative tool called “Plan Match,” which will assist in finding you the perfect health plan based on your specific situation and needs – taking into account factors like budget constraints, medical history, and provider availability to recommend an option best suited to you.

Additionally, you can shop for plans on the eHealth website – an online marketplace for private health insurance plans – which operates independently from government-run exchanges but offers the same plans as DC Health Link. One difference may be that purchasing through eHealth may preclude you from qualifying for federal tax credits.

No matter your business’s size, offering employees health benefits can present many challenges. BBG provides comprehensive support to businesses of all kinds when offering health benefits for their employees. Our experts can assist with navigating the ever-evolving District of Columbia health insurance marketplace – reach out now to learn more or begin exploring your options!

BBG Works with You to Deliver a Premium Summary

DC Health Link provides individuals and small businesses quality insurance coverage in DC. BBG works closely with individuals and small businesses as certified brokers to offer them all the information they require regarding coverage options available on DC Health Link.

DC’s Plan Match tool, powered by Consumers’ CHECKBOOK, helps individuals select an insurance plan tailored to their needs and budget. People can use it to compare programs on total estimated cost (not only premiums or deductibles), doctor availability, and other vital criteria that matter most.

The District of Columbia Healthcare Marketplace will launch on October 1, providing District residents and small businesses with affordable health insurance options at an accessible price point. Procedures have been implemented to ensure access to coverage is never delayed. BBG remains dedicated to helping the District achieve its goals while offering a seamless experience for all involved – their high level of support in the insurance broker market is integral in meeting this objective.