Building As Learning Aid


Building as Learning Aid, or BaLA, is an initiative designed to ensure school infrastructure meets children’s learning needs in a child-friendly manner. This involves creating spaces to foster diverse teaching-learning situations and creating built elements as learning resources within these spaces.

Grooved writing patterns on walls help children develop the ability to trace letters with their fingers. Door angles provide children with an experience-based introduction to grades.

Tangram Shapes

A tangram is a flat geometric puzzle consisting of seven flat geometric forms that include two large triangles, one medium triangle, two small triangles, a square and parallelogram, and a parallelogram. It provides an engaging way for students of all ages to learn about geometry; its use can foster problem-solving skills like logical thinking and visual-spatial awareness while developing creativity as well as teaching basic geometric principles like symmetry and unity.

To build your tangram set, you will require some basic household supplies. First, draw a square on some cardboard or sturdy material using a pencil. Then, cut your drawn lines into seven sections along which to divide your rectangle, labeling each as part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7.

Internet resources on tangrams can be easily found, many free and easily downloadable or printed out. Many also contain video tutorials or interactive games, which are very beneficial in learning how to use them effectively. Furthermore, books on how to use tangrams can also be purchased in both offline and online bookstores.

Tangrams are ancient Chinese operation puzzles made up of seven flat geometric shapes: two large triangles, one medium triangle, two small triangles, and a square. They can provide students with an engaging way to learn geometric figures as well as concepts like symmetry, unity, and area while developing critical thinking skills. Students can copy or create different kinds of figures using their pieces.

Tangrams provide students with an effective means of exploring numerous mathematical concepts, from arithmetic and number sense, geometry, and pattern recognition to understanding relationships between various angles and dimensions and building patterns with them. Tangrams can also help develop visual-spatial awareness by permitting rotation, flipping, and manipulation of shapes.

The tangram can be reconfigured into various shapes and figures. For instance, it can form rectangles, circles, ovals, and polygons; even simple algebraic functions such as Gougu Rule or Pythagoras’ Theorem can be illustrated this way.

Number Lines

Number lines provide an essential learning aid when teaching fractions. By organizing data into linear spatial representations that promote an understanding of magnitude and order for students, number lines serve as a crucial teaching aid in bits instruction – they also lay the groundwork for higher-dimensional mathematical representations such as perpendicular axes on a coordinate plane.

Number lines make the spacing between numbers visible from the start, helping students develop an intuitive understanding of their number properties from day one and creating effective strategies for working with numbers and operations on them.

ORIGO ONE annotates digital number lines to make their space evident, helping students see the range of numbers represented on each line and encouraging them to focus on counting spaces between tick marks rather than tick marks themselves – thus developing their conceptual understanding of scale and creating an abstract solid account of scale relationships.

This tool also gives students practice making estimates and guesses to develop the mental flexibility necessary for rounding. This activity is ideal for children who struggle with understanding number values.

Life-size number lines provide children with an engaging way to hone their estimation skills while also offering hands-on activities for various activities. Use it with kids playing “Hop to X,” in which they hop from an unknown starting number (such as five) until reaching their destination number; once gone; they can then count the hops it took before arriving at that number (an invaluable skill when learning subtraction).

As a classroom tool, this app stands out for its clean design and easy user experience. Its minimalist appearance can assist children with learning difficulties or visual impairments. At the same time, its adjustable features enable teachers to adapt it to individual classroom needs. For instance, hiding numbers until tapped is ideal for visual impairments as it requires fine motor skill control. In contrast, changing intervals on the fly is helpful for showing how different kinds of number lines work.

Kolam Design

While kolam designs may appear simple, they’re actually rich with geometric and mathematical properties. For instance, they use patterns of straight lines and curves to form a balanced composition, as well as fractal geometry–first described by mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot in 1975–which repeats patterns at different scales like tree branches or lightning strikes, which recur throughout nature. Drawing kolam can be thought of as an exercise in fractal geometry: where girls repeat the same base pattern recursively before expanding it further to form more complex shapes.

Beautiful patterns such as kolams can be used to express beliefs and values in many different ways. Women often display them to show their adherence to family and community traditions or religious affiliation or use them for protest purposes on public spaces such as roads or pavements.

Kolam’s making is an intriguing glimpse into how women navigate a complicated world as they balance work, house chores, family obligations, and societal obligations. Women usually wake early each morning and draw kolams at the threshold of their home where internal and external worlds meet – often using various powders such as rice powder, white stone dust, or synthetic colors to craft intricate designs on the threshold.

Kolam artists possess an intimate knowledge of their materials and how best to employ them for crafting specific designs. Utilizing both intuitive and computational tools, they are adept at creating individual kolams by altering parameters of grid, dot matrix, and line geometry – the results always prove surprising!

Many patterns can be created algorithmically using shape grammars, providing us with a potential avenue for automating their creation in schools for teaching geometry and mathematics. While we continue experimenting with machine learning tools like Snap!, we will also continue generating kolams manually.

Ruled Surfaces

Ruled surfaces are complex curves with many uses. From creating different shapes – such as cylinders and cones – to architectural design, construction, and modeling more complicated conditions (saddle roofs or cooling towers), and even string models or artwork, they are used across a range of materials such as steel, plastics, wood, and glass to form these structures.

A ruled surface is a curve defined by its own set of rules that define its specific shape. These rules, known as generators of the ruled surface, determine its condition. A ruled surface may contain multiple generators with distinct shapes generating it; sometimes, this creates the appearance of scroll-like forms or algebraic differentiable manifolds.

Quadric and conic surfaces are two types of ruled surfaces that use two generators and three generators for design and manufacturing systems, respectively. Both surfaces can be found useful when creating computer-aided design/analysis software programs.

To create a ruled surface, one must understand its defining curves. These lines connect all points on the ruled surface and may be straight, twisted, or curvilinear. They may also be parametrically defined using distribution parameters g(u,v)/v.

A ruled surface can be described by its torsal vectors or asymptotic direction, with noncylindrical characters possessing constant surface normals for every torsal vector and being considered symmetric if their rotatory matrix equals that of their respective osculating planes equalling its separate inverse matrix g(u,v).

AutoCAD allows you to quickly create a ruled surface by first drawing its defining curves for each point on a ruled surface before using the Mate Connector tool to link their issues together. Mate connectors can be placed anywhere along your surface and even aligned along specific directions; alternatively, you can choose “up to vertex.” You can edit each mate connector’s defining curve by right-clicking and selecting an option – making creating complex surfaces easy!